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Shattered Krystal Page 9
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Page 9
They couldn't have known she talked to me last night and as yet I had told no one what she said so the timing had to be a coincidence. I checked on Maeve who was still asleep so I ran back upstairs and as I started coffee, I called the Captain and Special Agent Black to tell them what Flower had told me and about the motorcycles outside my house. The Captain immediately sent some officers to run registrations on the bikes and to search for the owners. Special Agent Black was coming over since he was working on finding and arresting all of the Rattler Kings. He wanted to break the back of the motorcycle club by destroying all their money sources and putting as many of the gang members in jail as possible. Both the Captain and Special Agent Black were excited because they thought that if they could charge and convict Jag for first degree murder, they could make sure he either was killed by lethal injection or at least be put in prison with no hope of ever getting out.
At this point it was almost 8 o’clock so I ran through a quick shower and dressed in street clothes. I knew I wouldn't be leaving Flower alone again until it was safe for her to be without protection.
I needed to either drop out of the police academy or hopefully, since there were only two weeks and one test before we graduated, Captain Frank would let me slide and do work at home to complete the program.
I went into the bedroom and kissed my sweet girl until her eyes opened. They were glazed over and bloodshot from fatigue and crying but she was still the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I had never been particularly interested in petite women but I had to say, for whatever reason, Flower was it for me. Not just because she was so tiny, and shaped perfectly for her size, but also because she was one of the bravest women I had ever met. Her friend Donna was dead, partly because she broke under the abuse the Rattler Kings had heaped on both the girls. Flower never broke. She found a way to keep her sanity and not let her fear overcome her.
Her not talking was the way she chose to try and deal with everything that had happened to her and keep her and her mother safe, after she was rescued. As far as I was concerned, she was extremely smart. I was never going to find someone more beautiful, more sexy, and also so brave and smart. She was just about perfect as far as I was concerned. I was so grateful she agreed to be mine.
Now I had to wake her up and tell her what was happening. I dreaded having to tell her about the motorcycles because it obviously meant they had found her hiding place. It also meant that Jag wasn't going to give up his plan to kill her. A dead Flower could not testify against him. In my mind I grimly vowed I would keep her safe no matter what.
“Flower, Special Agent Black and Captain Frank are going to be here in about a half hour. Also, I need to talk to you about something else before they get here, so you need to get in the shower and get dressed quickly. So hop up and I’ll start your shower.
She smiled at me and said in a small but clear, beautifully pitched soprano voice, “What’s going on?”
I was so happy! She was talking! The next test would be her being able to talk to the Captain and Special Agent. She liked them both and I knew in their own ways, they made her feel safe. As bad as the situation was, Flower was healing and that made me have such hope in our future.
I took a shower and braided my hair in a wet tail down my back. I wore a black and white geometric patterned pair of leggings underneath a plain black T-shirt dress and black canvas tennis shoes with bright orange and turquoise shoelaces.
After I got dressed I followed the smell of coffee to the kitchen where I found Blue. He poured me three quarters of my mug full of coffee and I filled it the rest of the way with pumpkin flavored half and half.
I took a gulp of my coffee and said, “So Blue did you already call the Captain and Special Agent Black about what I told you last night?” I was proud that even though I occasionally still felt like there were rags with razor blades stuffed in my throat, I was able to talk clearly and not whisper.
Blue came over and stood behind me with his arms around my shoulders. He was facing the same direction as I was so I couldn't see his face except for a blurry ghostly reflection in the kitchen window. As I watched his reflection, he told me in a monotone voice about the motorcycles downstairs and how police were going to be here any minute to take care of it.
I got dizzy and lightheaded like I might faint but I shook my head angrily. I wasn't going to keep acting like a coward. Donna deserved to be found and buried next to her grandparents in Evergreen Cemetery.
I looked into my Blue’s sky colored eyes and gave him a tremulous smile. “Okay, let's do this. Let's find Donna and bring her home.”
Blue and I sat calmly at the breakfast table and drank our coffee. Maeve came up a bit later totally freaked out by the motorcycles.
I told her what happened and why we thought the bikes were there and after a few seconds of me talking, Maeve suddenly whooped loudly and almost strangled me with a hug.
“Oh my God girl, you're talking! I'm so proud of you!”
There was a loud knock on the door and Blue went down after getting his gun from his bedside table drawer where he had been keeping it. He tucked it into the back of his jeans after he checked who was at the door. It was the Captain and Special Agent. The three of them came upstairs and Maeve poured the two newcomers cups of black coffee.
Captain Frank said, “The motorcycle owners were across Bardstown Road at the bar and grill. We checked all their I.D.’s and picked up three of them on old warrants. Then we got four of them on new warrants related to their DNA found in the shed and on you.”
Captain Frank turned to me and said “Miss Krystal, this doesn't mean you’re safe yet. Jag’s second in command wasn't with these guys. We have to believe that he is keeping hidden so he can get to you. There are also rumors that there might be a jailbreak to get Jag out. I want to promise you we are going to do everything we can to keep you safe and put Jag and the Rattler Kings in prison where they belong. Are you going to be able to tell us what happened during your captivity?”
I knew this is where I proved to Blue that I trusted him to protect me and keep me safe from Jag and the Rattler Kings. So I took a deep breath and started telling Captain Frank and Special Agent Black what I remembered about what happened to me and my friend. They taped it. I told them about Jag killing Donna, about the rape and torture we had gone through, plus the conversations I heard about the drugs and guns that the gang trafficked.
All in all, I talked for over two hours. The entire time Blue held my hand tightly and rubbing little circles on my back with his other hand. Maeve plied me with hot cups of tea. Then after I was done, Captain Frank wrapped his arms around me and said, “I'm so proud of you. I'm so glad you told us what happened. I'm going to do my best to find your friend’s body. I'm also leaving some police watching you 24-hours a day. Plus we've graduated Sam a little early and assigned him to me. He has been assigned as your guard.”
I felt that I was as safe as I could be. However, I needed the police to protect my mom and Maeve as well. So, Captain Frank promised an officer on my mom and on Maeve. I felt I had done the best I could to take care of the people I loved, which included Donna McDonald, who had been my best friend for so many years.
Chapter 10
Finally, Flower had given her testimony to the authorities about what had happened when she and her friend got captured by the Rattler Kings. The Captain had sent out teams to search the ravine for Donna’s body. I walked the two men downstairs and then watched as police tow trucks picked up seven of the motorcycles to be carried to the police impound lot.
Then I walked upstairs and swooped my girl into my arms and back into the bedroom. Her hands were cold to the touch, and fine shivers moved up and down her body. I put her under the covers in bed and I got in bed with her and wrapped my arms around her body to warm her. She turned to face me and whispered to me, “I did it, Blue. I told them about Donna.”
“Yes, little girl, you certainly did.
I'm so proud of you.”
I looked at her tiny but shapely body and I wondered if we were making a baby yet. It made my cock hard as steel to think about her swelling up with our baby someday. I put my head under the covers and found her nipple and started sucking and biting lazily until it rose hard and long into my mouth. Then I gave her other nipple the same treatment. My girl moaned and stretched her body, pushing off the covers, shamelessly exposing herself to my eyes. She was so responsive. I chuckled and said, “Oh baby girl you’re so pretty, do you want me now or should I stop and let you nap?”
“No! Blue I want you, I'm not tired. I want you.”
“What do you want from me, sugar? What do you want me to do?” I was halfway teasing, but I wanted her to use words to tell me what she wanted. I wanted to keep her talking.
She wriggled her butt cheeks against the bed and moaned, “Oh please Blue, I want you.”
I took her hands and fastened my hand around both her tiny wrists and held them captive above her head. I deepened my voice, “Tell your Blue what you want baby girl, or we can just go to sleep.”
She half-heartedly tried to pull her wrists free as I smiled down at her. “Tell me baby, tell me.”
Finally, she said in her half-whispered voice, “I-I w-want you to kiss me, Blue, k-kiss me down there and then p-p-put your cock in me. I want you to make me c-c-cum, p-p-please Blue.”
I smirked at her, knowing my dimples that she liked so much showed through my stubble and I told her, “You just had to ask darlin.” Then I found her luscious lower lips and started sucking on them and kissing them as fast and hard as I could. She was so wet, I just licked and sucked all her sweet tasty liquid until she was moaning and gasping. I found her clit swollen and raised. I drew it into my mouth and tongued it as hard as I could and then pushed my stiffened tongue inside of her. She was mindlessly moaning my name again and again. Her eyes were open but she was unseeing and focused inward.
I loved that I was able to give her so much pleasure. How I felt about Flower was so different than any other girl in my life. Sex before Flower was about me; what I could get out of it, how much pleasure I received. I really didn't care about my partner. I always made sure she had an orgasm, but only because then she was more willing to give me what I wanted. With Flower, it was all about Flower and giving her joy. Her happiness made me happy.
I loved giving her pleasure. Watching her response to what I did to her was almost enough to give me a release as well.
Finally, I pulled my face away from her swollen and wet parts and said firmly, “I'm going to put my cock in you now. You need to take all of it Flower, all of it.”
I heard her gasp as I pushed my cock inside of her without a thought for being careful or gentle. I just rammed into her as hard as I could. I was confident she wanted me as hard and dirty as I could make it. I was wild and hungry with my need for her. No more thinking was necessary.
I pulled out of her and lifted her tiny body like she was a rag doll and turned her over onto her stomach. I didn't have the time to tell her what to do, I just demanded what I wanted by moving her where I needed her. I pulled her ass up in the air and pushed her shoulders and head down on the bed. “Stay there,” I growled.
I was able to see her pussy open and glistening, waiting for my cock so I positioned myself just outside her hole and jammed myself into her as hard as I could. She moaned with part pleasure and part pain. This position gave me the ability to go into her even further so each time I thrust into her I banged even harder into the back of her womb. It felt so good.
She cried out. Then I made a circular movement with my hips that had my hard and heavy cock rub against her sweet spot just behind her clitoris. Every time I dragged across that spot it also rubbed against her swollen nub. I felt her trembles up and down her body.
I continued fucking her as hard as I could until I felt the tingle up my spine that said I was going to cum on the next push into her. I felt her pussy clench around me and I told her, “Now Flower, cum now.”
I felt the gush of her orgasm and the hard spurts of mine rushing to fill her at the same time. I felt the explosion of baby making seed pour out of me and deep into her, as she grabbed the blankets with her hands and screamed into the mattress. Over and over I could feel her pussy clench around my still hard cock which was pulsating streams of cum as her orgasm went on and on. Finally, she just laid limply face down on the bed and was totally motionless.
I pulled out of her and pulled her over onto her back. I stood shakily and went and got a few washcloths from the bathroom and soaked them in warm water. I took them back to her in the bedroom and with one I gently cleaned up her pussy that was dripping with her liquid and mine. The other cloth I used to wipe her sweaty face and neck and to push her moist hair out of her face. I used that cloth to clean myself and tossed them both into the hamper. I then pulled her boneless limp body next to me, covered us both with a blanket and laid there next to her. She was quiet and I felt like I really never wanted to move again. I hummed some songs to her and thought about how my life had changed since I had first seen her wrapped in a rough gray blanket, terrified and speechless.
At that time my whole life plan was to make something of myself within the police department. I never expected to be interested in any girl, much less so interested that I wasn't ever going to let her go.
My new plan was to get married to Flower and have as many babies as we could. I wanted us to raise those babies, then have grandbabies and watch them grow. I hoped Flower could start doing her artwork and I would be some type of law enforcement officer. It was a wonderful life I wanted to give her. I wasn't rich or famous, just a man who loved his beautiful Flower. I wanted a love like my father and mother. One that could and would last a life time.
We just needed to finish the mess with Jag and the Rattler Kings. I was ready for it to be done.
I rested with my back against Blue’s front. I loved the feel of his solid chest and abs and his strong arms wrapped around me. I wanted the stuff with Jag to be done. I was so tired of staying inside and being nervous all the time. I knew my life would never go back to the way it had been, and I was so grateful that I had Blue in my life. I realized I wasn't going to fall asleep so I poked Blue in his stomach with my elbow hoping he would wake up and keep me company.
He didn't move so I carefully eased myself out from under his arms and got dressed. I wanted to make us some dinner and I knew I needed to go to the store if I was going to make the only other dish I could cook, spaghetti. I went down to see if Maeve was home. She didn't answer her door so I thought I would just ride my bike the four blocks to the store and back.
I knew Blue had told me never to go anywhere alone, but Jag was in jail with most of his gang members. There were a few still out of jail but surely, they wouldn't try anything against me now.
I got my jacket and knapsack and pulled my new bike out the front door and then I was riding down the street with the wind in my face.
This was wonderful. It had gotten dark, if you could ever count Bardstown Road with its street lamps and neon signs as dark. I also loved riding past the crowds of people on the sidewalk, laughing and talking, going in and out of the neighborhood bars and shops.
I got to the grocery store and bought what I needed to make spaghetti and meatballs and tucked the grocery bag into my red knapsack. As I leaned over to unlock my bike I heard the roar of several motorcycles come into the parking lot.
My heart started beating at a frantic pace and I was afraid to look up. I was frozen in fear, my hands stiff and unable to complete unlocking my bike. Slowly I stood up and lifted my head, I saw two of the Rattler Kings, whom I recognized. One was the greasy dirty guy with the beer belly that first captured Donna and me.
I realized they had seen me and were pulling up close. Greasy Man gave a big hearty laugh and turned off his motorcycle, swung his leg over his seat and took a step toward me. “Why Krystal McKenzie! We was
lookin’ fur ya and heere ya are. Take a ride with us.”
As he talked he came up to me and pressed his heavy smelly body against mine. I was frozen in fear, unable to move. The smell of him-mold, stale cigarettes and sweat took me back into the old shed. My mouth suddenly dried and I couldn't push the scream from my throat into the air. Then I felt something cold and sharp push into my side. “L'il whore, ya gonna pay fur the hurt ya did us, cuz ya gonna be hurting way worse. Now I want ya to put yur arm ‘round my waist an’ walk to ma bike without makin’ no sound. Ya get on my bike in front of me, after I get on, ya hear?”
I did what he said and as we drove out of the parking lot he pulled a hypodermic needle from his inside pocket and then I felt a sharp stab in my thigh and I realize he had injected something into me. After a few moments of terror, my eyesight started to go blurry, then everything turned bright white and finally faded to black.
When I woke up, the house was silent, too silent, as if my fidgety girl wasn't here. I knew that couldn't be true. Flower wouldn't leave the safety of our home without taking me with her. I thought to myself she might be downstairs with Maeve.
I jumped out of bed and pulled my jeans on and fastened the zipper. I checked the apartment and like I thought, she wasn't there. I ran downstairs and burst through Maeve’s door, yelling, “Flower, where are you? Get your ass in this living room, NOW!”
Maeve appeared in the living room dressed in her uniform, looking bewildered, “What’s the matter Samuel? She isn't down here. Where’s Krystal?”
My anger level ratcheted up the ladder into the stratosphere, almost as high as my fear level.