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- Claire Lalique
Shattered Krystal Page 5
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Page 5
I knew he wasn't interested in me like that. He was just taking care of me because he was kind and because I was in his protective custody until I turned eighteen.
Whatever reasons he had for being so loving didn't matter in my brain. I could still fantasize deep soulful kisses from his sweet lips drugging me to heavy lidded stupor. I imagined Blue’s hands lightly running over my shoulders and my breasts. I thought about him touching me gently down where it still hurt and stung from the damage done to me. I had to believe if he touched me it might even feel good. The thought of any other man but him touching me made me sick to my stomach.
As I daydreamed about Blue and me together, my nipples crinkled and stood up. Also, a frizzle of sensation shot down into my stomach and even lower. I felt liquid leaking from my vagina. I realized my face was getting hot with a blush that probably made my face beet red.
In confusion, I pushed my butt up against Blue’s body and suddenly felt what must be his hard cock pressed in between my butt cheeks. OMG. I realized I had just felt Blue’s erect penis. I stilled completely, afraid and totally embarrassed.
I was going to be eighteen in just a few days. I had heard talk about sex before the bad day happened and had occasionally seen things in the shadows at Riverside. Now after the Shed, I knew in gory awful detail what penises looked like and how horrible they felt ripping through my virginity. But what happened to me didn't matter. In my mind I was still a virgin with no experience and I was totally embarrassed.
“Hey sweet girl.” Blue murmured behind me. “You were awful wriggly for a moment. Are you awake?”
I jumped realizing he was awake but then froze. I couldn't turn to face him because I didn't want him to see me until I willed my face to cool down and could show a calm exterior.
“I'm awake,” I whispered. I knew Blue couldn't possibly think about me romantically or sexually. He just had what my mom’s boyfriends called ‘morning wood’. I didn't want him to get upset or mad and make me go home. I wanted to stay in his house, with Maeve and him. So after taking a deep breath and counting to ten, I turned over and smiled at him.
I realized when I woke up that my sweet girl’s luscious, but tiny ass, was pressed against my groin. My cock loved that feeling and wanted to spring forth and fuck that particular girl’s ass exuberantly. I teased her gently and noticed when she turned to look at me that she was blushing. Even more now, I wished I could claim her body with mine. My cock totally agreed. However, my cock didn't have a brain and I did, so I sat up and said, “You had a nightmare last night and wanted me to stay with you. Do you remember?”
She nodded her head and moved away from me and tried to sit up. She let out a little whimper. She was obviously still in pain. “There, sweetheart, let me get your medicine. That should help with the pain. I’ll take a quick shower then we’ll figure out breakfast.”
I wanted to explain my schedule to her so she could understand how I planned on keeping her safe and protected. I wasn't sure if she even realized how much in danger she might be. It was something I was going to have to explain to her soon and I knew I wasn't looking forward to it. She had been traumatized enough without having to understand that her ordeal might not be over.
I tried to be gentle but business-like as I told her, “I have to go to the police academy today, so I won't be here all day. Maeve will be downstairs until 2:30 and I’ll be home at 4:00. There will be a police officer stationed outside the house at all times. One of the ATF men is going to come over and stay downstairs when Maeve leaves and when I get back someone is going to want to talk to you about what you remember about what happened in the shed.”
At that, my tiny girl vehemently shook her head, no, hiding her face by looking down and letting her hair hang in front of her eyes. “Sweetheart, you have to talk about it sometime. Hell, you're going to have to talk about ANYTHING at some point. You need to start talking.”
She just shook her head and whispered, “To you”.
I looked at her, trying to be stern, when all I really wanted to do was pick her up and hold her cuddled in my lap and rain kisses on her beautiful face. I didn't want her to have to relive her experience by talking about it. On the other hand, she might have some important information hidden in her brain that the Special Agent needed to know. My instincts said she did.
So, I sighed and avoided the whole conversation by putting my arms under her shoulders and knees and carefully lifting her. I carried her into the kitchen and sat her in a kitchen chair so she could watch me make her breakfast. We were eating the last of instant oatmeal and orange juice when I heard Maeve’s feet running up the stairs.
She came in the kitchen, cheerful as always, yelling, “I'm here, Sam, Krystal! I've got some clothes for you. I hope you have coffee. Sam! You better go get ready or you'll be late! Go! Now! Krystal and I will be fine. I'll clean up! Go!”
I had found it best never to argue with Maeve. She was well known in our family for having the ability to out stubborn a jackass so I got showered and changed into my uniform and gave Maeve and Flower a quick kiss and ran out the door to my truck.
I knew, however, that I was going to have to take stronger control of my sweet Flower. She had been terrified and harmed beyond all reason. I realized that what she needed was to understand she was not in charge; she didn't have to try and keep herself protected, that was my job now. I knew this would help her feel safer and more secure. She believed that her own willfulness had caused her to be captured. I could have smacked her mother for saying that, it was one more thing that Flower would have to quit believing.
I spent the morning in class at the academy. It was interesting, because our instructor had a few of the ATF men and police officers that had been at the operation from last week and they talked about the protocols of joint missions and how it could improve rates of capture and decrease injuries and even deaths of officers and suspects alike. Even though I liked hearing what they said, my eyes kept wandering to my watch. I wanted to be with my Flower. I was worried that she would be scared when Maeve and I were both gone. I kept second guessing myself about having the ATF agent at the house with her. I knew he would scare her.
Finally, a half hour lunch was called before physical training and I pulled out my phone and turned it on. I had two messages from Maeve to call her. Worriedly I clicked on Maeve’s number and she answered after a few rings. “What’s wrong?” I snapped.
She laughed and said, “Cool your jets boyo, everything's fine. The first time I called I wanted you to know that Krystal was doing a little better getting around by herself. The second call was to say that you might want to bring home some take out. She isn't going to be able to live forever on peanut butter and crackers and water which is about the only thing I had in my house for her to eat and yours was worse. Maybe bring home some Lo Mein and Wonton soup. She can probably eat those with her sore mouth. She’s also going to need some clothes. Mine practically swallow her. My guess is she has to shop in the children’s section. She is so damn tiny and with that long hair, I just want to dress her up and fix her hair like I did my dolls when I was a kid.”
I was relieved that there was no emergency and asked Maeve to give the phone to Krystal so I could talk to her. Maeve laughed saying it wasn't going to be much of a two-sided conversation. I growled at Maeve. “Just give the phone to Krystal and quit joking around.”
I heard the noise of the phone switching people and then Maeve in the background saying, “She’s listening”.
With my thoughts about being in charge of my girl, I lowered my voice and spoke firmly. “Flower, sweetheart, I’m glad you're doing okay. I'll bring food home tonight and then we can go get your clothes from your mom’s place. I want you staying with me until we’re sure you're safe. Then later, I can help you change your dressings and we can watch some TV.”
I heard a whispered breathy “Okay” and then after I said good-bye, I hung up the phone much happier than I had been. I had to ru
n but I got to the obstacle course with five minutes to spare.
One of the ATF men and my instructor were standing together and called me over. My instructor gave me a thick envelope and said, “Look, we know that little girl is stayin’ with you. She missed her high school graduation while she was bein’ held captive, but her birthday is coming up soon. So, some of your fellow trainees, some police officers, and the ATF squad took up a collection. It’s not much, but she can get herself something pretty to wear or for college or shit. Fuck, just take it and tell her we’re all proud of her for being so strong.”
I stuck the envelope in the pocket of my hoodie and thanked them. I was mystified why the guys had all done that, but then I realized her ordeal had affected all of us. I was probably the most affected having spent the most part of last week with her, but her courage and strength had been noticed by everybody.
She was just a tiny thing. By looking at her you would never believe she was just a few weeks away from turning eighteen. Everyone probably wondered if they would be able to show that much courage in the same situation. I certainly did.
My chest puffed a little in pride about how wonderful my girl was. Shit! I needed to have a birthday party for her. I reminded myself, she was mine now and I needed to know everything about her so I could take care of her. Making her birthday special was part of taking care of her. I already knew exactly what I was going to get her for her birthday.
I started getting excited about the idea of her turning eighteen and my cock gave a happy little shake at the thought that there would no longer be any reason Flower and I couldn't be together in every way. Luckily the instructor called us to line up and I started running drills so I didn't have the time or energy to think about Flower anymore. After that, the day passed quickly.
I showered and changed back into my uniform. As I threw my gym clothes into my duffel I made some phone calls. I ordered a cake for Flower’s birthday. As some of the older guys came into the locker room to change I asked them to come over with their girlfriends and wives’ on Krystal’s birthday. I also invited the ATF squad.
I had one more thing to do before I went home. I stopped by this little jewelry store that was close to my house. I had seen a particular piece when I wandered in there a few weeks ago with Maeve. I was glad the piece was still there and I spent more money than I could afford. It was perfect for Flower and I asked the jeweler if he could engrave it. When he said yes, I wrote on a piece of paper the words I wanted and I made arrangements to pick it up later that week.
When I got home, I checked with Joe, the ATF agent. He said it had been quiet and he had only seen Krystal once, when he first got there. We discussed Flower’s continued refusal to talk and then I thanked him for his help and I pounded my way upstairs. “Flower! Hey, it’s Sam! Let's go get some dinner!”
Flower appeared at the top of the stairs. She was beautiful, in spite of her bruises and bandages. I was amazed she was walking as well as she was. She must have washed the sundress the nurse had given her so she could wear it again. It was lavender colored with little flowers all over it and was perfect for her. Her hair was gleaming all shades of light browns and golds in a loose braid that fell over her left shoulder almost to her waist. I had never seen such a beautiful girl. My cock shot straight to attention, causing me to ache with the pressure against my zipper. I decided tonight my Flower and I needed to come to an understanding of who she belonged to and just what that meant. Some single guys would be coming to her birthday party and I knew those hot dogs would try to flirt with her. She needed to know before the party that she was mine, only mine, and would never be leaving me, ever.
I ran up the rest of the stairs and held her face in my hands. I gave her a hard kiss, no tongue, but with the promise of more heat in the future. When I let go of her, she looked dazed and her lips were moist and just a tiny bit swollen from the strength of my kiss.
I smirked at her knowing I had just changed Flower’s view of who she and I were. Now she knew what I thought about her. Satisfied, I went past her and into my room to change clothes.
After I freshened up just a bit, I limped into the living room and sat on the couch, waiting for Blue to get ready. I had noticed how he looked at me; like he thought I was beautiful. Plus the kiss he’d given me was pure heat. That kiss gave the promise of passion. I thought I might faint with the beauty of that kiss. I thought that maybe he did think about me the same way I thought about him.
Blue came out of his bedroom to the living room and I made a small gasp in appreciation. I had always seen him in his uniform. He was striking in his khaki uniform, with his shirt neatly tucked away under his belt. But when he came down the hall tonight he was magnificent! He was wearing a bright white cotton T-shirt that he had tucked into fitted blue jeans. I couldn't help but wonder what else he had tucked in those jeans. I was amazed at how forward I was. I felt a little liquid slide down into my underwear and shivered. As far as I was concerned, he was the handsomest man I had ever seen. He made me feel and think about things that I thought were gone forever.
He picked me up in his arms and carried me down the stairs and out to his truck. “I don't want to do too much tonight sweetheart, so let's just get some drive-thru for dinner. Then we can go by your moms for your clothes and whatever else you need.”
Then Blue laughed and said, “If you feel up to it, we can go to Walmart to get groceries and pick up whatever else you need. We can ride one of those electric carts. I always wanted to ride one of those.”
We drove onto the expressway and headed for my mom’s trailer. As we got closer, I started trembling. Suddenly I fell through the night and I was in the hot smelly shed. It smelled of stale sex, old sweat, mildew, and the hot coppery smell of blood. The men surrounded me and Jag was laughing as one of the other men walked towards me with a monster knife that gleamed in a ray of light. He raised his hand over his head…and I was being held by Blue across his lap in the stopped truck. I looked around, confused as to where we were and realized we were parked on the shoulder of the expressway.
Blue petted my hair and my shoulders and placed small kisses on my wet cheeks where I must have cried. I looked at him with pain and a question in my eyes. “It's okay baby girl. You just had what I think we could call a flashback. You ducked under the dashboard and started screaming. It didn't last very long. Are you okay?”
I took a tremulous breath and gave him a small nod. I wanted to be over what had happened to me. I wanted my life to be normal, to have met Blue in some perfectly natural way, instead of the aftermath of rape and torture. It just wasn't fair.
Blue scooted me off his lap but hitched me close to his side, under his arm. With the other arm, he pulled back out onto the road and soon we were at the trailer. Luckily no one was there so we went inside and I packed my knapsack with my few pair of blue jeans and T-shirts. I found a pair of extra flip flops and put them on. My only hoodie had been destroyed in the shed. I got some underwear, a bit worn for wear, and my extra bra. In the bathroom, I got my toothbrush.
From under the couch I pulled out my sketchbook and colored chalks and charcoal pencils. They were the only things I owned that were important to me. Blue saw the care I was taking with them as I tucked them into my knapsack and he asked, “What are those Flower?”
I hesitantly pulled the sketch pad out and handed it to him. His eyes widened as he started leafing through the pages. I drew reality with my fantasies lurking. He stopped at one of my favorites, a realistically drawn picture of our trailer, patches, broken window and all; but there, around the corner was a tiny fairy peering forward and each step she had taken behind her was awash with lushly growing flowers and vines. Where the fairy was touching the old trailer a single vine of leaves and blossoms was running up the corner edge of the trailer.
Blue looked at me and said, “This is beautiful Flower. I must have been inspired when I decided I was going to call you Flower.” I grinned at him and pointed on t
he page where I had signed my name, K. Flower McKenzie. He grinned and hugged me hard.
We left the trailer with my stuff and stopped at the Walmart on the way home. He bought groceries, way more than I would have gotten for a month. Then he left me sitting on the bench in customer service and told me to wait there. He said he had to get some stuff and he wanted me to rest, that I looked tired. He was back in a half hour with several bags full of unknown items.
Finally, we got back home after stopping for take-out at Wendy’s, and I was indeed exhausted. He insisted on carrying me up the stairs and he helped me undress and put my nightgown on as if I was a child. I felt like a child right then and was grateful when he tucked me under the covers. I felt my eyes closing and he was gone from the room and I murmured, “Love you, my Blue.”
I stood in the doorway and watched Flower sleeping. I had heard her declaration of love and it made my heart warm. But was it love from friendship or love pulled from her heart of hearts. I knew where my love for her came and soon enough I was going to show her how my heart felt about her.
I went back out to the car and got our packages and her worn backpack. I put the backpack inside her bedroom door and then put away the groceries. I put our carry out in the fridge for later. The other bags I took into my bedroom and dumped them out on my bed. I had checked her clothes size at her mom’s and sure enough for the most part she wore 0 and 2’s in juniors. So. while I made her wait I bought her some skirts and shirts, a sweater, some lingerie, socks, tennis shoes, and a pair of sandals. I'd also gone to the art section and went a little crazy. I bought her several sketchbooks, colored pencils, drawing pencils, acrylic paints, paint brushes, and anything else I could think of that she might like.
I spent the evening wrapping presents and tucking them into my closet. Then I went back to her room and like last night and laid down on top of the covers with my arm around her waist. I fell asleep quickly, content that my Flower was safe with me.