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Shattered Krystal Page 11

  I had them put my stretcher next to his bed, as close as they could get it. Then I asked everyone to leave.

  I laid on my stretcher next to his bed. Again, I marveled at how still he was. Normally he was always moving, his hands flexing, his foot tapping, his neck cracking. Now the only thing moving was his chest moving up and down. I had never realized how much he moved around until I saw him being still.

  I looked down and my eyes got caught by his hand. He had an IV running into his arm, but his hand was strangely undamaged. He had big hands with long thick fingers and short neat fingernails. I shivered. I thought about all the times his hand had touched me and how much it meant to me. The strength that held me so closely, sometimes hard and dirty and sometimes sweet and gentle but always, always with love.

  I reached over and put my small hand on top of his big hand. My hand didn't even cover half of his. His hand was warm and I squeezed it. I couldn't squeeze very hard, I was too weak. But I was here with him and I decided I wasn't going to leave till he woke up.

  Chapter 12


  I came back to consciousness with my brain in panic mode. I had to protect Flower. I tried to move out of the on-my-back exposed position I was in, but I couldn't move. I felt like I weighed a ton and every small movement caused me to want to gasp in pain and every gasp caused agony to run through my chest.

  Without moving my body I cautiously tried opening my eyes. They felt dry and sandy. Once I got them open to a squint and focused I realized I was in a hospital room. My adrenaline started dropping because I knew if the Rattler Kings had me, I wouldn't be in a hospital. I was finally comfortable enough to look around me.

  Then I realized I was staring straight into the face of my baby girl. Her chest was moving up and down in a soft even rhythm. She was alive. A fear I hadn't even realized I had relaxed in my heart. I noted her arm was back in a soft cast and she had bandages on her hands and arms. One of her tiny hands was resting on one of mine. It was such a contrast; her smooth delicate skin wrapped in pure white bandages, touching the callused and rough skin of my hand.

  Finally her eyes opened and she was looking straight into my blue ones. I smiled and said in a raspy weak voice, “I feel like shit. How about you?”

  She smiled back at me and said, “Pretty much the same.”

  I settled back. I was content. Flower was with me and we both were still alive. I didn't need to remember much to know that was a Class A miracle.

  “So do you know how we got here Baby Girl?” I asked her. She nodded her head toward the call button tied to my bed and suggested I call the nurse.

  She said “Don't be surprised if 200 people show up. I don't think any of the medical people expected you to live. They don't know you like I do. I knew you would.”

  “Why is that sweetheart?”

  “I knew you'd never ever leave me if you could do anything about it. I figured healing yourself was something you could do. So I was just waiting for you to wake up.” She smirked at me and innocently opened her eyes wide. She looked right then like the most self-satisfied girl in the world.

  “Just wait Flower, once we get back home we are going to discuss this again and maybe work on an attitude adjustment.” I saw her shiver and she smiled a tiny bit, so I knew we were on the same page. No one could keep us apart. We were bound together just like Flower said. We would always come back to each other.

  At that point, I pressed the nurses button. Flower was right. A bunch of nurses and doctors came barreling into the room to ask me questions, listen to my lungs and otherwise annoy the shit out of me. Finally after requesting that Flower and I stay together and then demanding it, they put us both into the same room in the step down unit.

  It was a good thing. By the time they got both of us moved, my baby girl was white as a ghost and obviously in pain. I was having trouble breathing and my pain level was climbing as well. I had them push our beds together so we could hold hands. They gave us both pain meds in our IV’s and we fell asleep content that we were together.

  The next morning, we were awakened by the doctor handling both our cases. She was the Hospitalist for the hospital and seemed quite capable of helping us move through the quagmire of medical jargon and political correctness to get our needs met. The tubes in my body were removed.

  We were both able to get a shower and put on clean clothes. We had discussed with the Hospitalist, Dr. Chow, our plan of care and we knew we both had a ways to go before we could leave the hospital. We were weak as kittens and I didn't even argue when the nurses put us back into separate beds after our showers.

  After everyone left we ate our very late breakfast and held hands some more while we watched Judge Judy on the tiny hospital TV. I was in pain, but that was just my body. My heart was full and happy.


  I was content. My Blue was again in charge of the world around us. We were in a room together and I knew we would get out of this hospital and back home as soon as possible.

  Blue started making some phone calls and I called Donna’s mother to let her know where in the hospital we were. Shortly after that, the visitors started coming. The first was Maeve. She had returned early in the morning, but kept getting the runaround about where we were located. That seemed strange to me but Blue and Maeve shrugged it off as hospital inefficiency. Donna’s mom called me to say she would be up later that day.

  Then Dr. Chow came back and told us she wanted to talk to me about some tests. She wanted to close the curtain and talk to me privately. I argued that Blue and Maeve were family and could hear anything she had to say.

  She refused and finally she closed the curtain and said softly, “Ms. McKenzie in the blood work we did, one test stood out to me. Did you know you might be pregnant?”

  I gasped, and reached over to the curtain closing me off from Blue and Maeve and I grabbed the edge. I swept it back so I could see them and said excitedly, “I might be pregnant!”

  Dr. Chow looked uncomfortable. Blue and Maeve looked at me in astonishment. Tears started running down Blue’s cheeks. He looked at the doctor and said tremulously, “Really Doc? How pregnant? Is she and the baby okay? She lost a lot of blood.”

  Dr. Chow looked a bit nervous but answered firmly. “She is probably just three or so weeks pregnant. We need to run a few more tests to be sure. But I am pretty sure they will all say the same thing, that she is pregnant. We've done the blood tests twice and her pregnancy hormone levels are not going down, they are going up. That is pretty indicative that she is pregnant and it is still a viable pregnancy.”

  I started to sit up and situated my bed so I could stand up. It was just a few steps to his bed and I felt pretty confident that I could walk those steps without falling. Blue looked at me and read my mind and started fixing his blankets to receive me into his bed. As I put my feet onto the floor Dr. Scott and Maeve started fussing and complaining trying to get me back to my bed. I paid no attention and made the two steps to Blue’s bed.

  He had lowered the bed guard rail and scooted over so there was room for me. Maeve and Dr. Chow had given up getting me back in my bed and were actively helping me get into Blue’s. Finally, I was situated next to Blue with my head resting on his arm. I listened to the quiet sounds of his comforting heartbeat. I sighed happily. Blue carefully took his other arm and placed his big warm hand over my lower stomach. He patted my belly softly and murmured, “There. there, my wee little one. Just rest and dream. Your daddy and momma and aunty are here for you. We will love you forever.”

  I looked at my Samuel Blue in amazement. He occasionally treated me in that loving and caring way. No one else had heard him speak like that. I knew then this child was going to have daddy wrapped around his or her little fingers.

  After Dr. Chow and Maeve left, Blue and I cuddled together. Dr. Chow said we were both healing well and he would be monitoring both of us, plus the baby very carefully.

  Blue and I were content to just stare into each other's eyes
and grin at each other stupidly. The Rattler Kings were no more and our baby was a reality. It seemed to both of us that we had gone through hell and burst into the beauty of heaven heaven on Earth.

  Our next visitors were Special Agent Black and Captain Frank. I was glad to see them. Everything I had gone through made me feel like a part of the brotherhood of law enforcement officers. I knew I had a lapse in going after Flower without backup, but I figured that was just part of the Brotherhood of Man.

  However, I knew I had acted in ways that didn't quite fit proper protocol. So a little piece of me was nervous that I might be reprimanded or even fired. I sat up a little taller and helped Flower get comfortable next to me.

  “I'm glad to see you gentlemen. Can you tell me what is happening with the wrap of this case. Is everything ending okay? Are we going to be able to make a case against any of the Rattlers that are still alive?”

  “Son,” boomed the Captain, “Everything is fine! We have just a few low level Rattlers left. They are singing their heads off. We will be adding additional charges against Jag as well. He won't be getting out of prison in his lifetime, that's for sure.”

  Special Agent Black looked at me carefully and then at Flower. “I know we talked about you applying for a federal position with ATF after you graduated from college. However, I have been made aware of a new program that has recently been instituted. It might suit you to a T if you are still interested in ATF.”

  “Yes sir, very much so.”

  “Well son, that's where I'm leaving you,” said my Captain. “I'm just here to tell you there wouldn't be any hard feelings if you go with ATF. So I wish you luck and I'm sure I'll be seeing you again Sam. You take care of this little lady of yours.”

  I watched him go with a certain amount of sorrow. He had been an excellent instructor and mentor to me.

  Then Special Agent Black started telling me about this new internship program the ATF had started. They were taking interested and talented college seniors and placing them in a paid internship program. Half the day would be spent taking the remaining college classes and half the day would be spent working as a Federal Agent under the mentorship of a more experienced agent. All college classes and expenses would be taken care of by the government and I would be required to work another two years with the ATF after graduating.

  Flower and I looked at each other. She knew this was my dream come true and she gave me the faintest head nod. “Sir, where do I sign up?” I wisecracked.

  “Good Mr. Donahue.” Special Agent Black said, “I'm planning on being your mentor myself. This way you can stay in Louisville and it will be a lot of help to our office to have a Louisville native working with us.”

  After he left, my girl and I just collapsed in each other's arms. We were exhausted and in pain but we also felt we had once again got pushed into a beautiful slice of heaven.

  I had the job I had always wanted and the most perfect girl in the world. We were going to have a beautiful baby together.

  Unfortunately, I couldn't show my sweet girl how much I loved her the way I wanted, but I placed a loving kiss on her lips. I licked open her mouth and plunged my tongue inside her mouth and swept it around her sweet tongue and lips. It was passionate and gave both of us a promise for later. Afterwards we fell asleep peacefully in each other's arms.

  Epilogue One

  Two months later


  Flower and I were sitting on the couch at our home off Bardstown Road. We had spent the afternoon walking around the neighborhood looking at summer flowers and enjoying the hot weather. Most of our neighbors knew us because of our fight with the Rattler Kings. It turned out the gang had been infiltrating the community quietly. They had been demanding ‘insurance payments’ to keep local businesses safe. The local business leaders had been scared as crime rates started climbing in this usually pleasant community. So, we were known as the couple who had stopped the Rattler Kings cold. As far as the Highland community, we were heroes. As far as we were concerned, we were just a family waiting for our baby.

  We were both going to physical rehabilitation three times a week and I was planning on starting my final semester in college in September. Flower was going to start her first semester as a fine arts major. We figured she had just enough time to get one semester finished before the baby was due in March.

  I was concerned she wanted to do too much, but since I planned on starting my last semester over again at the same time, I couldn't protest too much. I was going to start my new job as an intern with ATF as well.

  I was watching my girl with admiring eyes. She was wearing thick black leggings with a silver-grey tunic sweater that matched her eyes and we liked to pretend it showed off her almost-there baby bump. She had gained some weight and her face was flushed and smiling.

  I pulled her to me and rumbled in a low register, “I need you to go to the bedroom and get undressed as fast as you can. I don't want you dawdling.”

  She giggled and started to get up off the couch. She obviously thought I was joking because she let out the cutest little laugh. So, I grabbed her and swung her over my shoulder. I swatted her behind through her leggings several times as I carried her down the hall to our bedroom.

  “Stop Blue!” She shrieked, “Maeve and Special Agent Black are going to be here soon for dinner. We don't have time!”

  “Little girl,” I said sternly, “who is in charge of you and me?”

  “You are, Blue.”

  “That’s right!” I pulled her leggings down her ass to her knees and carefully, so as not to injure the healing cuts on her stomach, I gave her four more swats on her beautiful ass. As I carried her down the hall to the bedroom I massaged her ass cheeks where I had hit her and admired the heat and pinkness I had caused. When we got to the bedroom, I gently threw her down onto the middle of the bed.

  “Don't move Flower.” I ordered. At this point she was shivering with desire but she did as I told her and held completely still except for the fine tremors that kept taking her unaware.

  I stood there looking at her. She was so beautiful. Her golden hair was spread around her shoulders and all of the skin that I could see from her face to her toes was flushed pink.


  He grabbed my feet and pulled my ass down to the edge of the bed and pulled my leggings completely off my legs. Then he parted my legs and put his head between the apex of my thighs and sniffed loudly.

  He murmured, “Hmmm, you smell like rosemary and mint plus pretty girl musk.” Then he put out his tongue and swept up and down my slit from top to bottom. I felt so warm and wet, my cervix clenched tightly as I wanted Blue’s long thick cock immediately.

  Instead, Blue nestled into my pussy and nibbled my clit and licked circles round and round. I moaned and stretched out my body, offering myself to Blue so he could do whatever he wanted.

  He moved away from my pussy and kissed and gently nibbled up to my very slightly rounded belly. He kissed and licked there for a long time and then just put his forehead down on my stomach.

  “Little Bug, I love you so much. Your mommy and daddy are so glad you're here. We can't wait to meet you”

  I sighed and felt myself go liquid in a puddle of love for this wonderful man who decided he loved me. He reached my mouth and swept his tongue around my mouth and I could taste my flavor in his mouth. Then he raised his body on his hands and arms and placed the head of his penis against my slit and with a smooth slow stroke slid into me all the way to the end of my cervix.

  He groaned and then whispered to me, “I love you so much darlin’ girl. Let me show you just how much,” and he began to move in and out of me slowly, with a twist at the top, so that his beautiful cock rubbed my G Spot each time he came in or out.

  “Blue, I want you, please, faster, faster, I want you. Deeper! I want you harder!” I couldn't stop begging him. I was so delirious with pleasure my cervix kept clenching over and over up and down his cock. I could feel him getting bigger and l
onger and suddenly he shouted, “Now Flower Now!” And my pleasure came in an overwhelming rush, the same time I felt his seed go spurting over and over again into my body. We were so in tune with each other, soft or hard, gentle or rough, quick or slow.


  My beautiful Flower laid under my body totally limp and unmoving. Her eyes were closed and her eyelids trembled. I grabbed her hips and rolled us over so she was resting on top of me. She was naked from the waist down and her sweater was pulled up so that her beautiful breasts showed. My jeans were around my ankles and my shirt hadn't moved.

  Carefully I kissed her eyes, nose and lips and pulled out of her. I stood up and pulled my pants over my hips and zipped and buttoned them. I kissed her again and whispered, “Hey baby doll, are you awake?” She mumbled and settled herself in the bed more comfortably. She was so cute, laid out like a starfish on top of the covers. I pulled the quilt up over her and nuzzled her neck.

  “I'm going to the kitchen and get stuff ready for dinner. You rest awhile. I'll wake you up when Maeve gets here.”

  She said something unintelligible and I smiled at her again and went to the kitchen. We were just going to have chili with parmesan lime roasted corn. Everything was already made, I just had to turn on the stove to cook the corn and open the burner for the chili. I started coffee and mulled the cider. Maeve was bringing brownies and ice cream and Derek Black was bringing corn chips. Maeve and Derek had been making eyes at each other and we were hoping to push that along just a little bit.

  I sat in the kitchen waiting for coffee as I thought about the changes that had come about in my life. Most importantly, I had found the love of my life when I never would have expected. I felt that all the hardships we had gone through helped us become stronger together than we might have been otherwise. We had a baby coming with whom we were both head over heels in love. Maeve and I had talked and we had decided I would buy her half of the house and turn it back into a single-family dwelling. Maeve could use her money to buy another house in the neighborhood. Our life felt like it would be happy and comfortable. Yes, my job with ATF had some danger involved but I would be careful and trust God to bring me back to Flower each time. I had come back so far, after all.